Solving JFK in Dealey Plaza with Matt Crumpton

As many of you know, I have always been a Kennedy assassination guy - wrote my senior thesis on it at Rice, Dad went to med school at Southwestern in the 60s so his professors were the docs at Parkland that worked on Kennedy, read every book including the Warren Commission… so it was an absolute treat to have Matt Crumpton, who’s blowing up the world with his podcast Solving JFK, back on CYNAJ. And to make it even more special, we went on location and recorded it in Dealey Plaza.  See the Grassy Knoll, the Triple Overpass, the Texas Book Depository, where the Umbrella Man and Dark Complexed Man sat, where Zapruder stood, where Howard Brennan was, the Sniper’s Nest.

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00:00 JFK Assassination Theories
04:47 Zapruder Film
06:22 Grassy Knoll
08:11 Getaway Path
13:39 Parking Lot
16:45 Umbrella Man & Dark-Complected Man
19:46 Autopsy of John F. Kennedy
24:46 Texas School Book Depository
Solving JFK in Dealey Plaza with Matt Crumpton
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