Landmen React to Landman TV Series - Episode Eight & Nine

0:21 All right. I feel like we have like almost 15 or 20 different scenes we have to go through because we're going to do episode eight and nine today. So I'm just going to fire away. Gates, where do

0:35 you want to start us off? What scene? What comment? What take fire away? Obviously starting off episode eight, Monty sitting down with the governor talking about his cartel problem. That was

0:49 pretty interesting. Obviously you're always dealing with government. Anytime you're operating an oil and gas, different jurisdictions and different people you need to have conversations with.

1:05 Normally that's at a county level or district or something like that but going straight to the top. That was really interesting and I loved that scene trying to get the Texas National Guard to start

1:21 doing some training exercises on one of their leases. That was a pretty good take on things 'cause I didn't see that one coming, but it was a great idea. You know what my favorite part of that

1:32 scene was? That Monty orders a decaffeinated herbal tea. Like what powerful business exact orders a, I'll take a decaf herbal tea. And then he goes and has a heart attack after drinking his tea.

1:50 Yeah, exactly. If it wasn't decaffeinated, that ticker would have been gone quicker. Yeah, but

2:00 it just bit out like a light. The other thing that I really liked about that scene, and I think it, we're starting to get the sense of just what a big deal Tommy was, the governor knew who Tommy

2:12 was. And it's like, Tommy's still kicking around and it's like, yeah. You know, he lost it all or whatever, but - Well, no, the governor said back when we, back when all this started, I just

2:26 thought Tommy would have been the one to make it. And Monte said, well, he did make it and then he lost it. So he's obviously had a pretty successful previous career. Yeah. And at some point

2:40 we're gonna have to get that story of what exactly happened So, 'cause paying for George Strait private concert, knowing who the governor was, and I'm sure we'll get to this later, hanging out

2:53 with Jerry Jones. I mean, it was pretty baller. So, Boar, take us to, 'cause

3:02 the other thing that's kind of intertwined with the governor's scene is you basically have your favorite character, Rachel, negotiating with. that

3:18 with the widow and with Cooper at seven o'clock in the morning. Yeah, I mean, she's just, they're just going down this villain path with her. I hate her still. And it's just getting worse and

3:31 worse. I don't know if we're gonna talk, we'll talk about episode nine here in a minute, obviously, but, you know,

3:38 it's my worst nightmare. This is all culminating to my worst fucking nightmare. And, you know, she's just mean as hell and like unnecessarily, like totally unnecessarily, I really think that

3:50 what's his name, the other attorney, was going down a perfectly fine path and it could have worked. Even like, if you wanted to play it out where they got more money, well, he could have handled

3:60 everything that she did. I mean, you mean Rebecca, right? Yeah. Yeah. Or did I say Rachel, I meant Rebecca, yeah. Yeah, and they like, they call her bitch face. Bitch face, yeah. And

4:15 what's the other attorney's name that lives in the house? Nate. Nate was doing everything fine and we would have had the same result. Yeah, she did okay in that boardroom earlier on in the season,

4:25 but like she did nothing here and Monty gives her a tongue lashing for it, which I thought was awesome. That was probably my favorite part of the episode. Me yelled at her. Might have been worth

4:34 the heart attack. Nice. You know, the thing that I think was underappreciated by some in the audience is Nate actually, when he got countered a million, he took it seriously and called Monty

4:49 straight. He didn't like blow him off and say, Ah, whatever, stupid. So I mean, he took it seriously 'cause I think Nate wanted to do the right thing and he knew half a million dollars was too

5:02 little. Right. Yeah, Nate's a good guy. I think that

5:08 Chuck is we're getting scenes like impactful or parts favorite around you.

5:13 That was the first time in eight episodes that we saw Cooper stand up with some sort of character. And I think he came through pretty solidly there in that negotiation. So it was nice. That was

5:31 actually a revitalization of that. What we thought was a dead character. Yeah, fair enough. I think I'm still on theI Hate Cooper bandwagon, but I hate him a little less, and we'll get to

5:45 episode nine in a little bit, and I think he kind of redeemed himself a little bit in episode nine too. But you're right. I mean, he basically kind of got beat up by Rebecca and just spit it right

6:00 back in her face. That was cool. Tooey, you're up. Give us another favorite scene. Yeah, I mean, I think, like I said, the measly offer and then him turning around getting a 4x out of that.

6:13 pretty good work by Cooper.

6:18 I think jumping to episode nine, probably probably just the deal talk discussion that always gets me, you know, it's good to see like how accurately portrayed it is and how the whole thing kind of

6:34 works out as they're walking through the steps. But Cooper's working on the, you know, his path forward, he's quit the job or he's quit before he could get fired. And then he's got this kind of

6:48 like, here's what I'm planning to do. And I don't know if we're going to talk if we want to talk about it now or talk about it later. But I did like seeing the evolution of what he was thinking,

6:58 which was a pretty reasonable thought, like, I'm going to go flip some leases and I'm going to go buy some safe production. Like, I think all of us are like, that's not a, that's, that's not a

7:07 bad way to do this business. I don't disagree, but I have a lot of thoughts there. Okay, fire away. Well, are we going to nine a little bit, or are we bouncing around? Sure. Yeah. We bounce

7:17 around all day about it. I take my biggest fucking problem with that, Matt, is that, like, everybody watching this fucking show now, they're going to be like, Oh, this is easy. I'm going to

7:27 go to Midland and work on this, or maybe somebody will get some investment dollars out of it. But I guarantee you, we're going to see some assholes trying to think this is the easiest thing in the

7:38 world. Here's my plan. I'm going to buy some fucking production and get some leases and give farmers a quarter when they offered them, when they offered me 20 and everything's going to be great.

7:47 I'm going to make everyone happy and I just, I don't disagree that the plan is, is generally okay. And that's what he was doing is bullet pointing it for sure. But you know, it kind of sends out

7:58 a message of how, how easy this thing looks. And it's obviously immensely more complicated. Yeah, it's, it's, it's definitely more complicated. And the fact that he negotiated against himself.

8:11 and gave the farmer a 25 lease when he could have gotten 20. You know, it's a little bit questionable too. But yeah, I mean, I hear you in terms of like, that's not how it goes. Yeah, it's

8:22 really hard. Like there's just, there's nothing that goes as smoothly as what he thinks with that. But I a, that's that's, hey, conceptually thought a

8:32 good idea. Sure, sure. Yeah, like I say, bold point for sure. But if your whole point is to buy a couple of leases and then flip 'em, you're gonna get a hell of a lot more money for a fifth

8:45 lease than you will for a quarter, right now. Yeah, yep, eight for an eighth. It was funny, last night I was, the girlfriend and I went to Ucheko and we're sitting at the bar eating dinner and

8:56 I get a text from John Farber at Lime Rock and he goes, Did you see it? And I text back, See what? And he goes, Did you watch Land Man? All the things I've been doing wrong, all I had to do was

9:09 go out and talk to the farmer and get a lease.

9:14 Yeah. He said, If I'd have only known, so. Yeah. Yeah. I did like how in fairness to him, I know it's way more complicated than that. I know that farmer would have shot at the land man,

9:30 'cause that would have been the 37th land man, and probably 33 of them had been sent by sellers and Campbell

9:39 to that guy, but I

9:43 do like how they put together the concept and educated the public that we've been drilling there forever, we got all these vertical wells, if we're gonna drill horizontal, we gotta piece these

9:53 leases together, we gotta swap, we gotta trade to be able to drill our long laterals. That was actually some real industry stuff. I'll give them a little credit there. The boots were interesting,

10:07 you know, he talked about those are workers boots, right?

10:12 You know, I don't know, maybe I just have a bias against Cooper, but I mean, we all do that. You kind of profile the guy you're going to meet and, you know, try to figure out what he likes to

10:22 do. If it were me, my minerals, people were coming to take me out to get a martini, pretty easy for me. I'm a simple man

10:30 I do like the

10:33 fact that they use wolf camp and clear forks. I mean, they actually used real formations there. I'm not sure that - I'm sorry Chuck, but this is where I wanted to put up this map that he had with

10:48 the moon facing. That was just like,

10:52 it's an affront to land man, I remember. Absolutely. Look at how ugly that thing is. Look at the overlap We spent 15 minutes and then at least check on an entire basin.

11:04 Public this public available leases map. I'm like, where the fuck is that thing? Yeah, that'd be pretty handy, right? It looked like it was off Wikipedia. It basically

11:18 pulled it up. Yeah. The way that it actually looks is like a heat map of activity or something like that, which again, that doesn't exist either. Right. Yeah Yeah, Cooper got, with that

11:31 million dollars, he wouldn't bought a fucking drilling info account, and somehow can only use them more in Minecraft shapes to create his maps. The, no, I thought that

11:45 was, I'm still not warming to Cooper, but I at least like the plan. Yeah, yeah. If you're gonna go out there and be an independent flippin' leases is the only thing you can do. And, you know,

11:56 you hear stories from the old land guys they sign the lease and then they got to go flip it before they have to. to pay for it because they got to get the money to actually pay for it. So the thing

12:08 we kind of glossed over in episode eight that I thought was absolutely tremendous was when the daughter tries to convince Tommy that she's going to Bible study on abstinence and the scene at the door

12:28 with the quarterback Where are y'all going tonight, Bible study? What's it about? Aba, Aba, abstinence.

12:36 Daddy, it's about abstinence. Do you know what that means? And the quarterback's just like, no, sir. He goes, it means don't fuck my daughter. It's God telling you don't fuck my daughter.

12:49 It's right, I love that.

12:53 Uh, that's brutal though, all this whole thing, you know, with the daughter and I like the quarterback. He seems like a good dude. He's red-pilled, Matt. Like you've seen, you've heard some

13:02 of his theories. He's a lot of fun, but I don't, you know, it's so uncomfortable. All of that as a guy with a daughter. It's just, and my daughter doesn't act like that, but, you know, geez,

13:12 I'll pee. Like, that's, that's rough Yeah, look, this is a good time to bring this up to, like, they end up going on their date to Gates. You'll, I think you appreciate this part and oil to

13:24 swim in an oil retention pond and at a refinery

13:29 I mean, it's like, what, what, I'm like, what is going on here with this scene, you know? Okay, so they're swimming in a fresh water pit that somebody built and is filling up right before a

13:45 giant frack. That's nothing to do with a refinery. Right. That's what I thought or anything like that. You know, obviously they have a central tank battery close by to have the flare running,

13:58 which is not uncommon. And I have actually been swimming in a frack pond like that before while it's being filled. Many, many, many years ago back when frack ponds were three to five acres instead

14:12 of 30 to 40. And you can have a hell of a lot of fun, get some Dawn dish soap and sliding down that liner, you can turn that into a pretty bumpy, rocky water slide, but it's really hard to

14:29 fucking get out of those things when you're slicked up with Dawn soap, trying to climb out of the liner without a rope, so.

14:38 That's a funny image I've got right now of you trying to climb out of one of those bastards. I mean, just like doing like the Spiderman, trying to like spread yourself out, climbing up that thing.

14:49 Yeah, shit.

14:52 Couple of girls that were with us, we had to actually go put a T-post down and throw a rope down to them because they weren't able to get out.

15:02 So I got a text from our dear friend 90s random consultant who said, Just watch the latest landman. Fuck swimming in any pond built by petroleum reasons. That was some fucking crazy shit. You

15:17 never know what's being dumped or leaked around an area that's an oil production or processing. What the fuck? I mean, that's why I'm saying that's a freshwater pit for a frack. And, you know,

15:30 they're pumping that water. Yeah, it's certainly not drinkable water usually. Down in South Texas, it's all from Carizo water wells and high in sulfur. That water's 98 degrees when it comes out

15:42 of the ground, which is kind of like, you know, being in a warm bath, but

15:49 you can go swim in those. You certainly wouldn't want to go swim in any type of, you know, retaining pond for frack water, you know, I think 90s is bullshit. I think you get him enough St.

16:01 Arnold's and he'll hop in anything

16:06 to see her in a bikini. I mean, he's definitely jumping in whatever the swamp creature from the black lagoon could have been in there and he'd have jumped down.

16:17 I will say to go back to the quarterback being a good dude and red peeled. He's base as fuck. I mean, he is laying it out there in the pool, trying to hit on her, but he's still defending oil and

16:29 gas over lithium batteries. I'll give him that credit. I like him. Then he says, we haven't seen our last pandemic. Yep. Yeah. He said, you want to know what's the greatest threat to

16:41 environment? It's you and me and they got a plan for that too. Yeah. Exactly. That's like land manneries, Twitter feed.

16:51 Matt got jumped up in this hole, that whole scene right there for a variety of reasons.

16:56 Yeah, that was great that there was a lot of good in there. The other thing I liked and I think it was an episode eight is how the quarterback is willing to dance naked for old ladies at the old

17:14 folks home just to hook up with the daughter I'll give him big props on that. I'm curious as to what it was that she was promising him because I'm not sure that even as attractive as she is, I'm not

17:30 sure that a girl could promise me enough to get me to do that. Least Gates, the one eighth lease you would do

17:41 that They were funny as hell at the bowling alley.

17:47 And then when the quarterback comes over, I had to write down this, the old lady telling her, you ought to be on all fours in the back seat of his truck right now, sweetie. Instead of messing

17:59 with us. Oh, Apple used to be a slut, didn't she? Oh my God. I think the, I literally think the greatest thing said in this whole series is, I'd want one more dick in my face, just once.

18:11 She's so funny, she's amazing To go to the National Guard, blowing up the cartel. Oh yeah. I thought that was,

18:25 yeah, talk about scenes that are blown out of reality there. It was, you know, with the governor meeting, I think it's like, who is Caulfield trying to portray as he portraying like an avid, or

18:39 is he just portraying this stereotypical like, You know, good old boy Texan that's pro oil. Yes, I've got to get the cartel out. That was an interesting scene itself, but then with the cartel

18:52 basically covered on the full footprint and Billy Bob told them they could do whatever they want was just amazing. I mean, it was so unrealistic. Everywhere you looked, you're just like, oh my

19:05 gosh, we've got, like, if there's anything you ever try to keep off a location, it's cigarettes, it's lighters, it's anything flammable, and they're out there with just whatever they want,

19:16 blowing up, whatever they can. Come on. Yeah, they go from talking about, we're not gonna be able to do anything out here. You know, we can do some PT and some helicopter surveillance and

19:30 everything to, like, the next scene with those guys, and they're dropping mortar rounds and all kinds of shit where I was like, I mean, anytime they're doing any of that, there are so many

19:42 controls set in place You know, you've got to have spotters on the ground. calling in your coordinates and everything, you're not just dropping a fucking mortar into a mortar tube and seeing where

19:52 it lands. Like, what did they think they were aiming at when they were surprised by it later? It looked like they were trying to hit the road, which is right by the tank battery. Which is, I

20:02 mean, did they see where, like there was a car there? Like, I was a bit confused about how that became a mistake. It's Hollywood, man. Yeah, right. Hey, I wanna go back to something, by the

20:13 way. I'm fired up right now Fuckin' Rebecca, she flat out fucking, you know, implies that Cooper killed people on purpose. Like, what's her goal? Yeah, it's already settled. It seems

20:25 unrealistic, you know. And that he wanted to get a million dollars. Yeah, but he had already gotten it. But he had already gotten it once she started like, she in the bar, I'm talking about in

20:35 the bar with Tommy. She was basically saying, oh, you're son who was, you know, working on a petroleum engineering degree, knew exactly what he's doing and he killed all these people. And Billy

20:43 Bob kicked the fucking stool off from under here. I was like, fuck yeah. I thought she was done at that point, but fucking lo and behold, you know, now she's fucking exploration manager, VP

20:53 exploration manager, fuck her. The thing I got was a 22-year-old petroleum engineer would no more know how to blow up a pump jack out in the field. I mean, talk about being divorced from reality I

21:07 mean, yes, you may be able to

21:11 quote out a Von Gotten's textbook if you're a petroleum engineer. You have no idea how to blow up a pump jack. I mean, you just don't. That's right. The thing that's bugging me about Rebecca's,

21:23 I'm all down for having like an enemy, a bad guy and all, but they usually, the great bad guys are multi-dimensional. They have something else to their character. They turn on charm when they

21:36 need to they can be crafty or whatever. She's just 100 bitch all the time. Right, so about that, when they're doing the settlement talks and the

21:49 girl says, What's an NDA mean? And she says, An M-TEX helicopter could drop an anvil on your house and you'd have no recourse. And I'm like, I don't think that any type of settlement agreement is

22:05 in perpetuity covering everything like that. That's a little excessive. And then right after that, she says, It means go fuck yourself. And I'm like, No attorney is ever gonna fucking talk like

22:20 that. That's just absurd. Right, that's right. Yeah, and you know, I

22:27 kind of get that money was impressed in that one deposition. and it got him out of the big liability. I get that, but the VP of exploration,

22:44 that makes no sense. I think they're setting up the season two for you got Jerry Jones given the speech in the hospital about work with your kids. And Tommy's sitting there and Jerry Jones says,

23:00 Hey, you're no Sprite chickenYou should listen to this too. And so I think that when they're laying out Cooper's plan and then Monty puts Rebecca in charge of the exploration department of the

23:15 company, I think they're setting up the split between Tommy and Monty over Rebecca and kind of alluding to the future of Tommy and Cooper working together.

23:32 petroleum engineering degree that he didn't even finish from Texas Tech. Apparently he also has, you know, a geology degree and everything else for the map that he put together that too, he was

23:46 just showing us and

23:49 it's interesting. But I think that's kind of like the direction they're trying to move and they're putting Rebecca in between Tommy and Monty Yeah, cool. Or it's Rebecca

24:09 Monty's daughter from the first marriage. That's where I went with it when I heard all that family stuff and then he was putting Rebecca in there. You know, is that kind of the. I didn't even pick

24:13 up on that in either. Well, I don't know. I was just kind of maybe that's the turns out it's a child from a relationship in college or something 'cause what's, let's say Monty's 60 in, you know,

24:26 Rebecca's

24:28 28, 30, something like that.

24:32 Yeah. Anyway, that's possible. Yeah, totally. I didn't, that kind of blows me away that idea. So I hate to do this. I hate to do this because I'm a diehard Dallas cowboy fan and I think Jerry

24:45 Jones is just the scourge of the earth and has destroyed the franchise. But can we give him props that that literally might be the greatest sports cameo ever? He was so good. He was so good. He

24:60 missed his calling I threw him up a little, but he was tearing up. He was a good actor. I've never seen him do cameo roles. I don't know if I've ever seen him give like a speech like that. He

25:09 literally was tearing up. Yeah, no, I thought he was amazing. The

25:15 other thing I wanted to ask though is, what did he mean by, you know, don't make me go get my rubber glove out? What did that mean? I think a proctology exam.

25:32 Fair enough, I didn't, I don't know why he would be the one, he would be the one saying that, but I guess he was just trying to make a joke to lighten the mood, but

25:44 was that, anyway. The speech was great, I'll give, and Farber also texted me that Jones gave him the same exact speech in 2004. Well, that's amazing. Well, then he's obviously given it quite a

25:59 few times since then Sorry, he's rehearsed. Have any of y'all ever done anything with Jones in the business? Almost did, and our last go around.

26:10 We almost did, it was just,

26:14 the entity that it ended up being in, you would have never known unless you had spent the time trying to figure out how it got to him, but it was just a splinter faction of one of the companies that

26:24 he used to own back in the day. So, didn't get something done, but we were down the road. with a company I worked for, we assembled a bunch of West Texas acreage and sold it to them. Oh, nice.

26:34 Gates, you ever do anything with gents? No, I just follow along with Comstock's24 million wells on Twitter, like everybody else.

26:45 Yeah, well, we actually drilled a well with him in the Maverick Basin. And I think we went, I was on the board of the exploration company and we farmed out the acreage to him and I think we

27:01 drilled down to 22, 000 feet and his geologists had kind of set the parameters for the log so that literally everything up and down the well board looked like gas. And so after he fracked four

27:16 different zones and it came up a duster, he just handed the well board back to us and we went up to a couple of shallower zones to

27:25 frack them and. made a little bit of gas, but not much. And so, Kane Anderson probably somewhere in there still has an override on that well bore if it's even still producing. It was crazy the

27:40 amount of money he spent drilling to 22, 000 feet in the Maverick Basin. Amazing. I mean, that's deep sea. That's shallow, shallow golf type stuff right there. And again, one thing closing out

27:56 the Jerry Jones thing, is he knew who Tommy was, you know? Right. So again, Tommy's a big deal. Can we do this though? And I know like the girlfriend's already yelled at me this week about my

28:10 fixation with Demi Moore. So I'm gonna tread very lightly here. But she literally just won a Golden Globe for the substance. I mean, I haven't seen that movie yet. Suppose it was great.

28:27 Why is the utilization of this amazingly talented actress sitting in a hospital room going, you gotta go in and give him a speech? I mean, she said, I think 15 words, underutilized. I don't know,

28:41 I guess, like we've talked about this a little bit that we all think that maybe she's gonna have a bigger role or there's some big twist coming that utilizes her and maybe they're building up to that

28:51 because we're now a full season in and unless they unveil something in this last episode, that is going to be kind of a cliffhanger that brings her more into the main mix of the show in season two,

29:05 then I totally agree. It's fucking weird. They could have gotten anybody for that role. I guess maybe just having her in it in the credits is a draw, but she has to be utilized. Yeah, I mean,

29:14 counterpoint here. Like, what

29:17 is Demi Dunn in her career? She's a D-list actor and her actress and what has she done have the good looks, Chalka. That's what I'm trying to figure out. Well, being that I'm substantially older

29:32 than you guys, none of y'all seem to remember 1996 when she appeared in strip tees, showed her tits, and it literally was the top of the zeitgeist for everyone that year. She was the highest paid

29:46 actress, and she appeared nude on Vogue when she was pregnant

29:54 And so anyway, Demi, Demi's always been a superstar. In decent proposal. And you know, GI. Jane really didn't do it for me, but, you know.

30:06 Yeah, fair enough on all that. But hopefully we've got something in it, something more in it for her. Two other things I want to bring up The

30:19 romantic discussion between Cooper and the widow And the widow. I have no plan, all I have is desire. That was like the least romantic speech I've ever seen. It's not even worthy of a Hallmark

30:36 movie on the Lifetime channel. That was horrible. Goofers puke.

30:45 He's a terrible actor too. It's not even minimalist acting like piano reads or something. He's just a shit actor. And he's goofy looking. Goofy had never run over dog He's just goofy as son of a

30:56 bitch I've ever seen in my life. Yeah. He needs to shave those pubes off his face. That's for sure. I know, that

31:04 very much so. Okay, and then one other scene that we haven't talked about yet, what about them taking the old folks to the strip club? How awesome is that? Yeah, hey, on that scene, I think

31:20 there was, we may go need to go dig it up, the CEO of Rix, which is a publicly traded company. had made a comment about the land man show. And I was like, oh, that's really interesting. And

31:32 then they walk into Rick's cabaret. So I thought that was, that was pretty funny. There's a lot, there's some engagement going on between a publicly traded strip club company and the show that we

31:43 are chronicling and watching. Well, and he tweeted the other day, he's something to the effect of a stripper. I ever asked you to go eat breakfast that you need to go with her I mean, I saw that,

31:57 I wasn't on that. That's what it was. I interact with him some on there. He's, you know, I mean, whatever. He seems like fun. I got a text from an attorney buddy of mine the other day and he

32:10 said, Is it weird that the only placethey've filmed landman so farthat I recognize personally is the Rick's cabaretfrom Fort Worth?

32:26 I prefer Hoops in New York City of all the

32:29 Ricks places. That's my favorite. So shout out to Rick, Ricks, and Hoops. I love it. It's like a connoisseur. Like we have a wine list of the Ricks establishment. That's how I do.

32:40 All right. Okay. So the final thing and then we'll do our wrap up on stuff, but like what happened at the very end? Did Monty die? You know, 'cause

32:54 Tommy gets the phone call. I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do? And he's out staring at a wolf in the backyard. What was that all about? I didn't get it. I think that he either

33:07 had a got slipped into a coma or he died because, you know, he kind of quickly said that. Like, oh, I'm sorry, what can I do? Like if it was death to me, it'd be more like kind of a pause like,

33:20 you know, verbally upset, just. Oh my God, I've known him so long. I loved that man sort of thing. And I'm sorry, what can I do was so quick. It makes me think that, 'cause we had that scene

33:32 of him not doing well in the hospital and then it cut to that. And it was like, I think he made a coma or something. I feel like he's not dead. I feel like Gates has the answer to this based on

33:44 what he was saying earlier. Yeah, what's the word? I think that, no, I agree with board that I don't think Monty died. I think there's some additional complication now and I think Monty's gonna

33:59 have to be less of a character and influence moving forward. Then with Monty, he already said to Tommy that he was gonna be stepping back, but putting Rebecca into the VP of exploration slot, I

34:17 think they're really just setting it up to Tommy being able to say, you know, this isn't company, I thought it was really interesting, though, that when Tommy and Angela were talking, he said,

34:31 I just had to watch my best friend staring death in the face, and they, obviously, Tommy and Monty have a long history, but they've never really shown that the two guys were close, and maybe

34:47 Tommy doesn't have that many people that he would callfriends, but to say to Angela, I just had to watch my best friend staring death in the face, that was interesting to me in, you know,

35:00 shooting the wolf towards the end of the episode or at the end of the episode. I think it's just, you know, Taylor Sheridan foreshadowing that there's a big change coming to M-Textile oil and maybe

35:15 that Tommy isn't going to have a spot because Rebecca certainly has it out for him and Cooper. That's for sure. Yeah Yeah. Yeah, I just think, I think you guys are on the right path there. I do

35:27 think there's a 50 chance he did die and how that works its way out in the last episode. Kind of will be telling us to whether or not we have a second season. But I do think that if he does end up

35:47 surviving, or

35:49 he was in a coma, I don't think there's any way that Billy Bob gets knocked out of this show. 'Cause Rebecca has just demonstrated to us that she is not a, you know, there's one thing about being

36:04 just this aggressive and standoffish attorney, but she's not very intelligent or enlightening or there's nothing that goes along with it. So I really feel like, man, they just are not gonna lose

36:18 Billy Bob. Yeah, yeah, interesting.

36:24 I gotta say, Monty's clearly not close with his daughters. 'Cause you remember when he said, he said, Are my daughters outside? And Tommy said, I haven't seen them. And he said, Yeah, that's

36:35 no surprise. That's pretty damn sad. Right after he'd been given the

36:40 speech from Jerry Jones about work with your kids and all that. Well, and that's on top of the speech that Monty gave Tommy about, Hey, talking to my daughter into going to TCU, the best thing I

36:52 did, she goes to the bar with my driver. They're hanging out by the pool. Yeah, it was kind of - I forgot about that. Yeah, and that kind of was a little sad, I mean, him saying that. So,

37:07 all right, let's wrap up. Let's run around the horn. Gates, why don't you kick us off of the final thought? So, I think that the development with Cooper, talking about his new plan, putting

37:22 together everything. is interesting. I think they're, again, just setting up for season two, whatever that's going to end up looking like. And then the fact that Demi Moore was the one that

37:36 confirmed that they're going to have a season two,

37:41 I think she said that they'll have it like early next year, maybe, or start filming early next year is what Jacob sent us. The fact that she was the one saying that obviously she's going to still

37:53 have a part in the show. And the relationship that she has with Tommy is obviously very familiar. So if Tommy and Monty have been friends for a long time, that makes sense. Maybe there's more to

38:12 it than that. But I'm interested to see how they're going to close everything out and whether they're going to wrap anything up or just leave things kind of. cliffhanger towards the end. Yeah. All

38:25 right, Matt, give us final thought, favorite line, whatever you want. Yeah, I mean, I think,

38:44 you know, just kind of coming behind gates. I don't know where this is headed. I don't know what's gonna happen with one episode left. Yeah, we're teed up for

38:47 a second season, I think But I think the progression of the characters we like should be an interesting thing to follow. And I'm looking forward to that. And I'm hopeful that the characters that we

38:59 don't care as much for either get exceptionally better or we remove them completely. All right, Boer, you got a final take? Yeah, my favorite line was, I don't know why it's not, it's kind of

39:10 obscure, but when Nate said, you two are so far off my road for parenting, I don't know how to guide you anywhere good when he's talking, 'cause they are God Almighty. But, you know, the, in

39:23 any moment now, I just kept feeling like these sort of mundane or these sort of just meaningless scenes, like in the house at dinners and stuff, we're going to just be met with the cartels rushing

39:32 in and kidnapping people because that would be Yellowstone, Taylor Sheridan, unexpected drama action coming soon. So it'll be interesting to see how the good guys fight back when that's happening

39:43 for sure. There's going to be some kind of war with the cartels and then the army's really not with them anymore because they're pissed and he's covering up for them. So I think that we're all kind

39:52 of bracing for that or at least I am. After the bar scene, the patch cafe where Tommy kicked the chair out from underneath Rebecca, when they spent so much time showing the side view mirrors and

40:05 the rear view mirror, when Tommy was getting into his truck, I thought for sure one of the cartel guys was sitting in the back seat. And then when Angela called him on FaceTime, I thought, oh

40:16 shit, she's gonna see, like Tommy, somebody's in the back seat. And then they just had him like drive off down the road and another driving montage. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Exactly. The one

40:30 thing I will say is I thought it was really cool that Tommy called the drug, the drug cartel dude said, go get your stash of drugs. I'm not gonna call the sheriff. Go clean up the mess. Yeah.

40:41 Yeah, I thought that was well played and maybe there's a day taunt coming, but you're right. I mean, how entertaining is a TV show about day taunt gonna be, but all right. I got a couple of

40:54 closing things here. One, I think in episode eight, when they take the old folks to the bowling alley, that is the greatest use of the song Lagrange by ZZ Top since Armageddon and Bruce Willis T

41:09 and the golf ball ball. So well played on the soundtrack there, Taylor. And then I thought we had, I thought we had two quotes. because Bohr stole my one that Nate said, I had three, now I only

41:24 have two. Two quotes that were just great that we didn't talk about, but when Tommy goes, it only took two days for Bible study to become code for some meathead plowing my daughter. I thought that

41:35 was funny as I'll get up. And the other quote I loved

41:46 was, I guess you woke up this morning thinkingyou never wanted pussy again. My wife was like, do you not like getting laid? Like when I'm being a jerk or something. Exactly. The squad will be in

41:52 the studio next week. Yeah, what are we doing next week? Can we announce that? Yeah, we need to announce that. So, is it Wednesday, January 15th, 6 pm. here at Digital Wildcatters, we're

42:05 gonna buy beer, booze and pizza, and the four of us will be in front of a live audience. So everybody show up, whoever wants to We're going to do the review of the final show. live in front of

42:20 everybody. We'll take questions from the audience and we'll have a good time. So that'sdigitalwildcatters. One, three,

42:29 three, six, Britmore, seven, seven, zero, four, three. And we - Get Jacob to put up the Google Maps on that one. Perfect, exactly. That was probably like the most boomer thing I've ever

42:43 done, wasn't it? Was read the address. Not like everybody has a fucking phone and we Google digital live catters to figure out how to get here. My mom always is giving me directions to a place,

42:55 always. She wants to give me drive-by street-by-street direction. Turn north, go east. I'm looking forward to that, Chuck. I think that'll be a really fun time for everybody. I've already got a

43:07 couple of buddies in mind that I've invited that said they want to show up and be there and have been watching all of our episodes and appreciate what we've been putting together. I think that'll be

43:20 fun and really looking forward to getting back in the studio with all you guys. Yeah, same here. Yeah, because we basically have a week for Matt to find his next deal for

43:32 his company. So that's our goal. You can bring in all the big shots, Chuck, so you can actually claim that. Two E found his next asset at Digital Wildcatters HQ during a podcast. During the live

43:48 podcast where we're talking about Demi Moore and I'm getting yelled at by my girlfriend

Landmen React to Landman TV Series - Episode Eight & Nine
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