Steven Hatcher. The Minerals Guy.

You’ve probably heard me bitch about the lack of content creation by energy folks.  The reach of the internet and social media is vast and can truly turn your world from an “outbound” cold call approach to a content driven “inbound” program.  And we have amazing stories to tell in energy, fascinating, cool stories.   But we don’t tell them, we let environmentalist define the narrative.    That said, one dude is bucking that trend. My guy Steven Hatcher has been crushing it on social media with his videos and building his personal brand as The Minerals Guy.   He literally has people calling him, wanting to sell him their minerals.  Cool chat about building a brand and we also geek out on the minerals business these days. 

0:00 - How did you and Jeremy Funk get together
3:01 - What is The Minerals Guy
6:03 - Power of Internet and Social Media
10:40 - Inbound Lead Generation
16:05 - Creating Business Content
19:40 - Just Start Making Content
20:45 - First Time You Hit Publish
25:43 - What Surprised Chuck About Content Creation
30:01 - Documenting Your Success
31:45 - Why People Should Sell to You
37:04 - How to Determine Your Number
38:26 - Returns People Aim for These Days
43:54 - Industry Consolidation
49:27 - Is Your Phone Listening to You
51:09 - Digital Marketing in Oil & Gas
51:55 - Importance of Brand Building
53:35 - Digital Wildcatters

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Steven Hatcher. The Minerals Guy.
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